Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Portfolio Update 4/13/10

Before reading, please see the disclaimer in the 'About Me' section.
The Wilshire 5000 closed at 12,486.80, up from
12,250.70 since my post on 4/2/10. The Wilshire 5000 is now 12.93% above it's 200-day moving average, up from 12.05% almost two weeks ago. 

The Investor's Intelligence Survey was released on Thursday night. This week's reading was 48.9% BULLS, and 18.9% BEARS, for a spread of 30.0%. This is in comparison to a reading of 48.3% BULLS, and 19.1% BEARS, for a spread of 29.2% on March 30th.

The Volatility Index closed today at 16.20, down from 17.47
back on April 2nd.

Now for the portfolio...
1) Verizon at $30.07, down 7.33% for the year, inclusive of dividends.  Verizon paid a dividend on 4/7/10, which I reinvested as previously stated. 

2) AT&T closed at $26.20, down .23% for the year, inclusive of dividends.  AT&T also paid a dividend on 4/7/10 which I reinvested.

3) GE closed at $18.95, up by 26.03% for the year, inclusive of dividends.

4) TBT, the doubleshort U.S. Treasury ETF closed at $47.85, down by 4.07% since my buy.

5) FXP, the doubleshort China ETF, closed at $7.21, down by 16.36% since my buy.

6) GOOD closed at $15.36, up by 13.83% since my buy, including the reinvestment of a dividend which was received on the 19th of March

7) NLY closed at $17.38, up by 1.10% since my buy, inclusive of a reinvested dividend received on March 30th.

8) AAPL closed at $242.43, up by 25.13% since my buy.

Overall, the portfolio is up by 9.28% (6.15% for the DOW Dogs, the total DOW has returned 5.67% without dividends), versus 8.61% for the Wilshire 5000. The current basket of eight stocks that I am currently invested in, including dividends, is up 4.70% year-to-date. The spread between my performance and the overall market (Wilshire 5000) has decreased to .67%.


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