Sunday, December 19, 2010

I Have Joined The Yakezie Challenge!!!

Dear Readers,
As of today, I am joining the Yakezie Challenge.  The Yakezie Challenge is the process you have to go through to get your financial blog listed on Yakezie.  For those of you who don't know, as I didn't five minutes ago, Yakezie is one of the top financial blogs on the interwebs.  In order to get your blog listed with them, you must complete a simple process, listed here.

Basically, in order to get my blog listed, I have to 1) install the badge (see at right, a little ways down the page), 2) write consistently 2-4 times per week for six months (I should be doing this anyway, and have failed over the last two months.  This will be good motivation to maintain my pace.), and 3) get my Alexa rank above 200,000 (I am currently at an abysmal 12,506,744).

How you can you help?
Read my blog.  Please.  If you like it, keep reading, tell your friends and write comments.  If you hate it, do the same.  I would love to hear what readers think either way.  If you comment, please leave your name and website/blog address so we can get it some exposure and engage in constructive dialogue. 

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